Permission for the development will consist of continued use of the existing quarry, ancillary processing plant and facilities, and access beyond 2034 (the existing permitted duration); lateral extension of the existing permitted quarry area to a depth of c.110mOD over an extraction area of c. 3.7 hectares; realignment of a section of the existing local road to the South of the proposed extension area; perimeter screening berms; operation landscaping including perimeter screening berms around the proposed extension area; restoration of the quarry to natural habitat after-uses; and all related ancillary site works within an overall application area of c.28.8 hectares and all for a period of 20 years and a further 2 years to complete final restoration of the site. The planning application will be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS).
To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Cork take the free trial here.