Excavate sand and gravel, the proposed works will consist of Quarry activities for the extraction of sand and gravel within a total area of c. 4.40ha with an excavation area of c. 3.1ha site over a ten year period On site equipment would include a dry screener, a loading shovel, a dumper as required, an excavator as required and a concrete wheelwash at entrance Installation of a new site entrance and removal of hedgerow to the south and north onto the public road L6719 to achieve 90m sightlines Installation of temporary compound and access road with hard stand, wheel wash, concrete refuelling slab, interceptor, soakaway, weighbridge, portacabin, portaloo toilets and internal security gates installed (as shown on submitted Drawing 23578-203) Installation of passing bays as shown on submitted Drawing 23578-211. Installation of passing bays will involve removal of small sections of existing hedging, re-routing of drains, fencing, new hedge planting, road construction & resurfacing A fenced off buffer zone of 10m between the existing hedgerow and proposed excavation area has been allowed for to protect the hedgerows locally important ecological value A restoration plan has been included in the application which will reinstate the site to agricultural use at the end of the project.
To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Laois Applied for on 2nd April 2024 take the free trial here.