Permission for the continued extraction of existing rock quarry, including extraction within the area previously permitted under ref. no. 01/1370 (ABP ref. PL15.128833) comprising c.37.5ha and the deepening of the quarry to a final depth of +60m AOD also in line with the existing permission, as well as the continuation of use of the permitted extension to the overburden area. Permission also sought for an extension of the extraction area of the permitted quarry by c.10.0ha to a proposed depth of +60m AOD in line with the depth permitted. The quarry will continue to be extracted at the average rate of 750,000 tonnes per annum. Permission also sought for the continuation of use of the readymix batching plant, prefabricated sales office and welfare facility, car parking area, aggregate storage bays, water recycling ponds and truck washout, and all associated plant permitted under 01/1370; and waste recovery facility with wheelwash and quarantine area and all associated plant permitted under ref. no. 04/1683 (ABP 15.211176). Permission also sought for an increase in the volume of waste intake in the permitted waste recovery facility from 10,000 tonnes to 20,000 tonnes. Permission for extension to the existing overburden storage mound, provision of new screening mounds/overburden storage mounds, an extension to the aggregates stocking yard and alterations to the piers and walls of access point via L6274. Alterations to existing operating hours of readymix plant, asphalt plant and concrete paving/block manufacturing plant as follows:readmix plant occasional 24 hr operation, up to a max of 40 occasions per yr outside normal operating hours (in addition to current operating hrs of 07.00 to 20.00 Mon-Fri and 07.00 to 14.00 Sat (as permitted under 01/1370) asphalt plant occasional 24hr operation up to a max of 40 occasions per year out of normal operating hrs, with alterations to normal operating hrs proposed 07.00 to 20.00 Mon-Fri incl. and 07.00 to 14.00 Sat. compared to 08.00-20.00 Mon-Sat permitted under 91/266, and concrete paving/block manufacturing plant proposed 05.00 to 23.00 Mon-Fri inc. and 07.00 to 14.00 Sat. Compared to 08.00 – 20.00 Mon-Fri and 08.00-16.00 Sat. (ref. 00/1445). There are no physical changes proposed to existing permitted buildings, ancillary infrastructure and plant on the site associated with previous permissions. Permission for a period of 25 years (with additional 2 years for restoration. Application includes an EIAR.

To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Louth Started on 11th January 2024 take the free trial here.



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