The development will consist of the continuance of operation of the existing permitted quarry and associated infrastructure (ABP Ref. 17.QD.0017; P.A. Ref. LB200106 & ABP Ref. 309109-21), deepening of the quarry extraction area by 1 no. 15 metre bench from 50m OD to 35m OD, a lateral extension to the quarry over an area of c. 4.8 ha to a depth of 35m OD, provision for aggregates and overburden storage, and restoration of the site to natural habitat after uses following completion of extraction, within an overall application area of c. 18.5 hectares. An extraction capacity of up to 300,000 tonnes per annum is sought to provide the applicant with the ability to respond to demand for aggregates in the region. Permission is sought for a period of 20 years in order to extract a known resource with a further 2 years to fully restore the site. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.

To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Meath Granted permission on 16th August 2024 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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