For the restoration of part of an exhausted quarry void located within the former rock quarry at Carroll’s Cross in the townland(s) of Greenan and Ballyshanock. The application area will be ca. 4.7 hectares and the void which will be subjected to restoration covers an area of ca. 2.37ha. The development will consist of the restoration of the void with either:
1) Inert soil and stone waste (imported inert greenfield and non-greenfield soils and stone, and river dredge spoil) which will result in the Proposed Development operating as a soil recovery facility that requires a waste management license from the EPA; or,
2) Soil and stone by-product (i.e. essentially virgin soil or equivalent to virgin soil and stone) which will be notified to the EPA as an Article 27 by-product at its source of origin and transported as a by-product material to enable the Site to be restored. The Site would then operate under conditions of planning.
The proposed works will also involve the removal of an existing silo onsite, the relocation of a groundwater monitoring well, installation of road pipe culvert in the Dawn River and amendments to the existing culvert crossing the Waterford Greenway (including the construction of onsite access ramps approaching the existing culvert either side of the Greenway), along with ancillary works and landscaping.
The area of the Site which will be restored currently comprises of exposed and disturbed rock from past quarry activities. The Site will be restored to species rich grassland which may be subjected to low level grazing.
A planning permission of 15 years is being sought for the Proposed Development. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) which will be available for inspection.
To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Waterford Granted permission on 8th February 2024 take the free trial here.