Development consisting of: the development of a quarry for the extraction of sand in a phased basis over an area of c.6.2 ha by an average depth of 3m from existing ground levels. The proposed development also includes the following: I. Installation of a processing plant and associated components; ii. Stockpiling of topsoil removed during quarrying for future implementation of a restoration plan; iii. Construction of a refuelling area; iv. Installation of a site office (30 sq. m ); v. Installation of a wastewater holding tank (63.6 sq.m); vi. Installation of a weighbridge and wheelwash; vii. Installation of a new site entrance along with road reprofiling works on the L2232; viii. Installation of a groundwater well; ix. Provision of drainage infrastructure including a new hydrocarbon interceptor and surface drains on hardstanding; x. All associated site development and operational works; and xi. Site restoration following the cessation of sand extraction works. Permission is sought for an operational lifetime of 10 years. The Planning Application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement. Gross floor space of proposed works: 6.2 sqm.

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