1. Quarry development and associated processing previously permitted under P. Reg. Ref. No. 99/2042 and ABP Ref. PL09.123207) to include drilling, blasting, crushing and screening of rock; and lateral extension to same, with an overall extraction area of c. 6.2 hectares with no vertical deepening below the existing quarry floor. The appropriate period of planning register reference 99/2042 was extended by order dated 03/02/2017 by P. Reg. Ref. No. 16/1246; 2. Importation of up to 35,000 tonnes per annum of processed fine aggregate, principally sand for use in readymix concrete production on site; 3. Use of buildings and structures associated with the sand and gravel pit previously granted planning permission under P. Reg. Ref. No. 03/2754 comprising of the crushing, washing and screening plant with associated silt disposal lagoons; readymix concrete batching plant including powerhouse; prefabricated office; weighbridge; workshop building with concrete laboratory and bunded fuel tanks; aggregate storage bays; and one liquid effluent treatment system unit; 4. Closure of the existing site entrance with provision of a new site entrance located to the north of the existing entrance; realignment of the main internal site access road from the new site entrance to the central processing area with provision of a new wheelwash system; acoustic fence screening (c.2m in height x 170m in length); and a new screening berm along the western site boundary; 5. Restoration of the site lands will be to a combination of beneficial agricultural and ecological after-uses; 6. All associated site works within an overall application area of c. 51.7 hectares. The proposed operational period is for 10 years plus 2 years to complete restoration (total duration sought 12 years); and 7. Provision is also made for 3 no. sections of road improvements (widening) along the haul route between the site entrance and the R148 regional road. The proposals at the identified locations include for works in the public road and verge that aim to achieve a consistent carriageway width of 6.0m along with provision of verge widening on the inside of the three bends to improve forward visibility and intervisibility for all opposed traffic including traffic generated by the proposed development. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.
To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Kildare Granted permission on 13th February 2024 take the free trial here.