14 Mar 2024
There was an existing site office on site and the upgrade of the waste water system ie a septic tank and new percolation area. Includes the recovery of C&D Waste with crushing and screening plant.
Permission for development at this site, within part of a sand and gravel pit (P.A. Reg. Ref. QY36, QC 17.QC2085)which is currently under restoration. The development will consist of the recovery of construction and demolition waste using mobile crushing and sreening plant to produce secondary aggregates. The existing site office including welfare facilities will be replaced including provision of septic tank and percolation area. The wheelwash will be upgraded and relocated towards the site entrance. The existing palisade fence at the entrance is to be replaced with a stone wall and separate entrance gate provided for access to the site office. A weighbridge, hard standing area with drainage to oil interceptor, semi-mobile crushing and screening plant and other ancillaries will be provided. The total application area including the site infrastructure covers c. 0.8 ha of lands. The development will be subject to the requirements of a waste management licence (Reg. No. W0265 01) which is currently under consideration by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Meath Started on 14th March 2024 take the free trial here.