Permission for (i) extension to the existing sand and gravel pit with an extraction area of 4.890 hectares; (ii) use of the existing sand and gravel pit for processing, storage of processed and unprocessed aggregates over an area of 4.681 hectares; (iii) provision of mobile screening plant (no washing of aggregates will take place on site) and installation of a wheelwash within the existing sand and gravel pit; (iv) restoration of the existing sand and gravel pit and proposed extension area to agricultural use with a total area of 9.571 hectares; (v) and all other ancillary site development works and activities associated with the proposed development. The duration for which the planning permission is sought is ten (10) years. Planning permission was previously granted for the existing sand and gravel pit and proposed extension area under reg. Ref. 05/2340 as approved by An Bord Pleanala pl09. 218352 and an extension of duration was also approved by Kildare County Council under reg. Ref. 15/12.

To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Kildare Granted permission on 15th October 2024 take the free trial here.

Ballyvass & Mullaghreelan

Plans Granted

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