For the extension of Kilmacow Quarry at Aglish North, Granny, Kilmacow, County Kilkenny, authorised via planning reference 16/700, to adjoining agricultural lands to the east with known quality reserves of aggregates. The extension will cover an area of ca.10.3 hectares and seek to complete 5 No. benches each 15m high, to a level of -45mOD, consistent with the existing permitted levels. The Proposed Development will involve blasting, extraction and processing of rock using mobile primary crushing / screening and associated plant on the quarry floor. The Proposed Development will utilise existing established quarry infrastructure including entrance, office/welfare facilities, carpark, wheel wash, weighbridge, haul routes and other ancillary infrastructure to complete the works. The Proposed Development includes for the demolition and removal of two (2No.) agricultural sheds and a small pump house and the completion of boundary berms, access tracks and associated safety features at the Site boundary. Upon completion of extraction activities, the Site will be subject to a Restoration Plan, which has been submitted as part of this application. A planning permission of 20 years is being sought for the Proposed Development. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS).

To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Kilkenny Applied for on 1st March 2024 take the free trial here.


Plans Applied

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