1.Continuance of use of the existing permitted quarry site and all existing ancillary site and welfare facilities, storage areas, and provision for crushing and screening of unsuitable dimension stone rock, authorised by the previous grants of planning permissions P. Ref. 04/1867 (which superseded P. Ref. P538/96) and P. Ref 16/474, which are due to expire on the 1 January 2025; 2. Lateral extension of the existing quarry void by c. 5.3 hectares to give an overall quarry footprint of c. 9.3 hectares. The final extraction depth will be c. 56m AOD similar to the existing quarry floor level permitted by P. Ref. 04/1867; 3.Provision of screening berms to proposed quarry extension boundary; 4.Provision of a new site maintenance shed (c.10m x 16m = 160m²) adjacent to the existing processing factory with an overall height of c. 11.2m; 5.Restoration thereafter to a combination of ecological habitat site and agricultural lands; 6.All associated site works within an overall application area of c. 15.8 hectares. The proposed operational period is for 25 years plus 2 years to complete restoration (total duration sought 27 years). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of this planning application.

To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Kilkenny Granted permission on 26th March 2024 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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