Re-commencement and extension of a quarry, previously granted planning reference number 90/006374 and registered as QY/28 under S261. The Proposed Development is located within the townland of Deerpark and Donaghmore Co Wicklow. The application includes the re-commencement of the old quarry of circa 2 hectares and a phased extension to the extraction area of circa 6 hectares, to a finished quarry floor level of 165mOD requiring circa four benches each 15m in height. The Proposed Development will re-commence blasting, extraction and processing of rock using mobile crushing and dry screening and associated works, along with short term stockpiling of materials at the site. This application includes for the construction and provision of an upgraded site entrance, office/welfare facilities, carpark, wheel wash, weighbridge, haul routes and all other ancillary infrastructure, boundary berms, safety features and landscaping onsite. A total quarry site area of circa 10 hectares is applied for. Upon completion of extraction activities, the Site will be subject to a Restoration Plan, which is submitted as part of this application. A planning permission of 30 years is being sought for the Proposed Development. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) which will be available for inspection.
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