A new public road, 637m in length, with footpaths and cycle tracks, public lighting, landscaping and ancillary main services within the roadway, from the City East Roandabout on Groody Road across the ‘Towlerton Development Lands’ to the north-western boundary of the lands; surface water drainage system for the new road consisting of 3 no. underground attenuation tanks and ancillary services, and disposal to 2 existing streams and to an existing surface water manhole adjacent to City East Roundabout; new foul gravity rising mains and new watermain along the length of the new road; abandonment of existing 800mm asbestos cement watermain on the development lands and provision of new watermain in lieu; demolition of existing buildings on the development lands comprising a two-storey house and associated sheds and out-buildings; relocation of an existing bus stop from the south to the north of City East roundabout on Groody Road and associated diversion of existing cyclepaths and footpaths; new cyclepaths and footpaths to accommodate future widening of Groody Road; widening of southern entrance to and northern exit of City East Roundabout on Groody Road and amendment of road markings at the roundabout. All works to occur on the public domain or on the ‘Towlerton Development Lands’ only. The planning application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement.

To find out more details on this Road & Path Development in Limerick Started on 9th December 2024 take the free trial here.



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