The proposed road development comprises of:
Construction of a new carriageway (c.1.46km) between Navan Road and Station Road (L2228);
Construction of a carriageway featuring 1 no. 3-3.5m wide lane of traffic in each direction;
A proposed design speed of 50 km/h; Provision of 2m wide cycle lanes on both sides of the corridor;
Provision of 2m wide footpaths on both sides of the corridor;
3m landscaped verges to provide a buffer between the proposed cycle facilities and vehicular traffic. These verges could be converted into a potential bus lane in the future;
Construction of a new bridge over the existing railway line including embankments, bridge length c 22.5 m without embankments, height of a bridge underpass c 5.5 m;
Provision of 11 no. new priority junctions off the Eastern Distributor Road to provide a new access to Dunboyne Rail Station, to serve future residential development lands and lands zoned as ‘G1- Community Infrastructure’ to the east of the subject site. These junctions will be provided as raised tables to ensure priority for pedestrians and cyclists;
Provision of a new signal-controlled junction including a right turn lane off Navan Road in continuation of Dunboyne Business Park Road at the northern end of the proposed distributor road; Provision of a new signal-controlled junction including turning lanes off Station Road aligned opposite to an already constructed segment of a distributor road (entrance to Castle Farm Residential Development);
Removal of the existing train station car park entrance road from Station Road and its replacement with a new access road off the proposed distributor road. It will also include ancillary works:
Drainage works;
Public lighting;
Traffic signals;
Road marking and signage;
Associated landscaping works;
Miscellaneous ancillary works above and below ground level including soil stabilisation works.
Provision of 2no. temporary storage areas for excavated spoil material with maximum capacities of c.25,000 m3 and c.8,000 m3;
5m buffer area at identified locations along the proposed development. This planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report
To find out more details on this Road & Path Development in Meath Granted permission on 26th November 2024 take the free trial here.