The development will consist of: (a) The restoration and infilling of the existing and future void over an area of (c. 17.2 ha) of existing permitted quarry (05/7029 and ABP 13.QC.2098) using approximately 2,464,000m3 or 4,435,200 tonnes of inert soil and stone material or stone by-product, or river dredge spoil. (b) The development will consist of the restoration of the void with either: (1) Inert soil and stone waste (imported inert greenfield and non-greenfield soils and stone, and river dredge spoil) which will result in the Proposed Development operating as a soil recovery facility that requires a waste management licence from the EPA; or, (2) Soil and stone by-product (i.e. essentially virgin soil or equivalent to virgin soil and stone) which will be notified to the EPA as an Article 27 by-product at its source of origin and transported as a by-product material to enable the Site to be restored. The Site would then operate under conditions of planning. (c) The proposed development will utilise the permitted quarry infrastructure including internal roads, site office, weighbridge, wheel wash, welfare facilities and other ancillaries to complete the works. (d) Stockpiling of topsoil removed during quarrying for future implementation of a restoration plan. (e) Construction of a soil inspection shed (approximately 120m2 in area, 4m height) and refuelling area (hardstanding) located to the west of the existing site office (approximately 16m2 hardstanding area. (f) Decommissioning and disposal of existing fuel tanks at an appropriately licensed offsite waste facility. (g) Associated minor works to include site access road improvements (resurfacing), upgrade of drainage infrastructure including new fuel/oil interceptor and surface drains on hardstanding. (h) Existing weighbridge and wheel wash upgrades. (i) Demolition of other buildings/structures. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) accompanies the planning application.

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Roadstone Barrigone Quarry

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