The development, within an application area of c. 28. 0 hectares will consist of an extension of the existing pit to extract sand and gravel (over an area of c. 23. 4 hectares) and limestone (over an area of c. 14. 0 hectares)
Phased extraction to a final floor level of 10 mod, use of industry standard blasting techniques for limestone fragmentation use of mobile processing plant (crushing and screening) located within the extension area
Demolition and removal of existing storage shed
Construction of perimeter screening berms along the eastern, southern and western boundaries (up to maximum height of 5 metres)
Landscaping of the eastern, southern and western boundaries
Final restoration of the extraction area to beneficial natural heritage & biodiversity use and related ancillary works.
To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Offaly take the free trial here.