For an extension of an existing car park at Shannon Airport, Rineanna South, Shannon, Co Clare. The proposed development will consist of the extension of an existing car park providing an additional 1051 parking spaces including a dedicated surface water drainage network, the re-alignment of airside /landside boundary security fence, the re-alignment of the internal perimeter road located airside, the relocation of the access to the wastewater treatment plant for maintenance purposes, the demolition of 10 industrial units and all ancillary associated site works. We note the protected structure NIAH reference 20406201 is located nearby to the proposed works and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the Planning Application.

To find out more details on this Carpark Development in Clare Granted permission on 3rd October 2024 take the free trial here.

Shannon Airport

Plans Granted

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