13 Mar 2024 An Bord Pleanala grants permission with conditions. Wind Turbine generators 5, 7 and 8 are to be excluded
I. Construction of 21 no. wind turbines and associated hardstand areas with the following parameters:
a. A total tip height of 200 metres,
b. Hub height of 115 metres, and
c. Rotor diameter of 170 metres
II. All associated underground electrical and communications cabling;
III. 1 no. Meteorological Mast of 115 metres in height, and associated hardstanding area;
IV. Upgrade of existing tracks and roads, provision of new permanent site access roads, upgrade of 2 no. existing site entrances, construction of 1 no. new site entrance;
V. 2 no. borrow pits;
VI. 12 no. permanent peat placement areas;
VII. 4 no. temporary construction compounds with temporary site offices and staff facilities;
VIII. Permanent recreation and amenity works, including marked trails, seating areas, viewing point, amenity car park, and associated amenity signage;
IX. Site Drainage;
X. Site Signage;
XI. Ancillary Forestry Felling to facilitate construction and operation of the proposed development;
XII. All works associated with the habitat enhancement and biodiversity management within the wind farm site; and
XIII. All associated site development works and ancillary infrastructure.
This application is seeking a ten-year permission and 35-year operational life from the date of commissioning of the renewable energy development.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in relation to the project and accompanies this planning application.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Mayo Granted permission on 13th March 2024 take the free trial here.