The development will consist of an application for a 10-year planning permission for the construction of, and 40-year operation and subsequent decommissioning of, a development consisting of a 92.75-hectare solar farm and underground grid connection route (red line boundary). The underground grid connection route will run underneath private lands and L5527, L5528 and L5529 public roads for 1km where it will connect the proposed development to the previously consented electricity grid interconnector (Cork County Council Pl. Ref 22/5933). The solar farm comprises of four separate land parcels divided by local roads. The proposed solar farm will consist of a series of ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, mounted on steel support structures and in some areas concrete shoes to protect possible underground archaeological features, together with electrical transformation enclosures, underground cabling, temporary construction compounds, the use of existing farm access tracks, existing site entrances, widening of 1 No. existing site entrance, inverters, CCTV poles and cameras, deer type security/boundary fencing with some areas of boundary development on concrete shoes to further protect possible underground archaeological features, landscaping and biodiversity measures and all associated ancillary development works, for the purpose of generating renewable energy electricity and transmitting it. A Natura Impact Statement will also be submitted to the Planning authority with this application.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork Granted permission on 1st July 2024 take the free trial here.

Fiddane Cooliney

Plans Granted

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