A 10-year planning permission for A solar array. The development will consist of c. 330,000 m2 of solar panels on ground mounted frames, 13 no. single storey control cabins with associated electrical transformer units and hardstand areas, 2 no. ring main units, underground cabling within the solar array site and within the R471 public road to connect solar array field parcels, security fencing, internal CCTV, access tracks (upgrade of existing and new), upgrade to 1 no. existing agricultural field entrance and creation of 2 no. new entrances on the R471 and 1 no. new entrance on the L70382, 2 no. temporary construction compounds (including site offices and welfare facilities), landscaping and all associated ancillary apparatus and development works. The proposed development provides for minor modifications to the solar array permitted under Clare County Council Reference P22/591 or An Bord Pleanála Reference ABP-316043-23. These modifications comprise the omission of 1 no. single storey control cabin and associated electrical transformer unit, omission of solar panels and access track, and reconfiguration of internal cabling. The solar array will connect to the national grid and will have an operational lifespan of 40 years. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Clare Applied for on 4th October 2024 take the free trial here.

Coolderry, Dromintobin North, Dromintobin South, Knockbrack Lower, Knockbrack Upper,

Plans Applied

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