Modifications to the permitted solar farm (Pl. Ref. No.: 17/6784, ABP Ref. PL04.303013). The modifications are within the boundary of the permitted development and will consist of:
i) Changes to the layout and dimensions of the permitted solar photovoltaic layout which will decrease the solar photovoltaic footprint from c. 159,100 sq.m of solar panels, to c. 145,000 sq.m of solar panels on ground mounted frames (this modification is to allow for the inclusion of a proposed 110kV substation and grid connection which will be subject to a separate application);
ii) Amendments to the internal track layout and the removal of the permitted battery storage unit;
iii) 6 no. single storey inverter/transformer stations (reduced from 10 no. permitted inverter/transformer stations).
Permission is also sought for the provision of a 33kV internal network cable (c. 3,760m underground with c. 114m of overhead line) linking the Ballinrea solar farm with the Ballinvuskig solar farm (c. 1.74 km to the northwest). The proposed development includes all associated site works and ancillary infrastructure. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and the NIS will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork Granted permission on 18th December 2023 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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