The construction of a solar PV development with an installed capacity of up to 2.6 MWdc (MEC=0) to provide electrical power to the existing distillery comprising approximately 4,100 no. photovoltaic panels on ground-mounted frames within a site area of 3.90 hectares and associated ancillary development including 1 no. transformer station, 5 no. CCTV security cameras mounted on 8 metre-high poles, perimeter security fencing (2.4 metres high), internal access tracks, extension to existing maintenance access track on the site to the solar PV development, installation of underground cable to connect the transformer station and the distillery and site works required to facilitate the development including the provision of a secondary vehicle access and gate on the northern boundary of the site. The proposed development is for modifications to an establishment to which the major accidents directive applies and is for an activity requiring an integrated pollution prevention and control licence.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Offaly Granted permission on 13th November 2024 take the free trial here.