A 10-year planning permission to construct and complete a solar PV Energy Development with a total site area of c. 88.5 hectares comprising of solar PV ground mounted on support structures, inverter substations, 38kV substation, watercourse crossings, temporary construction compounds, internal access tracks (new, upgrading existing and existing), security fencing, electrical cabling and ducting, CCTV and other ancillary infrastructure. The development also comprises a protected structure ‘S694 – Stone piers and cast iron gates with carriage stone’. This structure is at the entrance to the former Debsborough House and no works are required to the structure. Realignment of 35m of wall, re-location of a telegraph pole and vegetation trimming are required to achieve the northern visibility splay. The solar farm would be operational for 40 years.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Tipperary Granted permission on 20th August 2024 take the free trial here.

Townlands of Kerane

Plans Granted

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