10-year permission for the construction of a Solar PV farm consisting of up to 19,270 solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. The proposed development will include the installation of solar photovoltaic panels on ground-mounted frames/support structures, fencing, CCTV cameras, use of the existing site entrance, internal access tracks, temporary construction compound and an area of hardstanding for an electrical compound. The electrical compound will consist of six modified shipping containers, four of these units will accommodate the transformer stations with LV Switch Gear and ring main unit, and the remaining two containers will serve as communication and storage containers. The proposed development includes the above as well as drain reprofiling and settlement pond as part of peatland restoration works, landscaping, bio-diversity enhacement measures and all other associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground. The operational lifespan of the solar PV development will be 35 years. A NIS accompanies the planning application and may also be inspected or purchased.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Mayo Granted permission on 29th October 2024 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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