To amend planning permission ref: 17/156 which is in respect of a 10 year permission for the construction of a 5MW solar PV farm and Battery Energy Storage System facility (BESS) at Killadangan, Dungarvan, County Waterford. The proposed amendment is to enhance the Battery Energy Storage System facility (BESS) and associated infrastructure located at the southern end of the permitted solar farm site involving an area of approximately 1.26 hectares. The proposed amendment to the permitted solar farm involves the following elements:
(i) The omission of an area of permitted photovoltaic panels and associated infrastructure and structures.
(ii) The installation of 48 no. BESS units, each measuring (2.9m high x 6.1m long x 2.4m wide).
(iii) Supporting the BESS will be 6 no twin skid structures (6m high x 6m wide x 10.2m in long), comprising of transformer and inverter sections.
(iv) 1 no spare parts container (6.1m long x 2.4m wide x 2.6m high). (v) 1 no IPP Building (4m high x 14m long x 10m wide)
(vi) The installation of 4 meter high pole-mounted CCTV cameras
(vii) 2m high security fencing and access gates for vehicles
(viii) Landscaping works.
(ix) Internal Road.
(x) Ancillary works.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Waterford Granted permission on 25th November 2024 take the free trial here.