The development will consist of a new wastewater pumping station that discharges to the inlet pipework of the Navan WWTP via two new rising main sewerage pipes. The pumping station development also includes an underground 924m3 emergency storage tank with a further 427m3 provided within the pumping station inlet chamber, wet wells and upstream sewerage network. The pumping station compound includes underground valve, inlet, wet well and flow meter chambers; and above ground structures including a control panel kiosk, operator welfare unit kiosk, wet kiosk, ESB substation, surge vessels with stair access, overhead gantry crane; and other tanks, plant and equipment. The compound also contains set down space for an emergency electrical generator, site lighting and hard surfaced internal circulation space and will be enclosed by 2.4m high security fencing with vehicle access gates. The compound will be accessed by a fenced and gated temporary road from the LDR6 distributor road. Other water and sewerage infrastructure will include the provision of a gravity sewer and a watermain from the roundabout on the LDR6 distributor road to the proposed pumping station. The proposed development also includes for a trenchless crossing under the Navan to Drogheda rail line, all landscaping and reinstatement works and ancillary site development works. A Natura Impact Statement is included with the planning application.

To find out more details on this Water & Sewerage Development in Meath Granted permission on 18th October 2024 take the free trial here.

S Of Ferganstown & Ballymacon And Athlumley

Plans Granted

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