Permission for the construction of the drogheda north wastewater pumping station and access road, which will comprise: (1) a new wastewater pumping station with below ground wet well and dry well and associated chambers, below ground emergency storage tank, 4 no. above ground kiosks, 1 no. 6m high vent stack, 1 no. above ground emergency generator kiosk, 1no. above ground welfare building, outdoor lighting, and boundary fencing; (2) a new access road and new vehicular entrance from the realigned twenties lane, which will include the construction of a culvert across an open drain on site and the provision of footpaths and 2 no. uncontrolled pedestrian crossings; (3) 1 no. substation; and (4) all associated site development, landscaping, surface water drainage, and site excavation works above and below ground.

To find out more details on this Water & Sewerage Development in Louth Granted permission on 11th July 2024 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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