Development at the University Hospital Limerick, St. Nessan’s Road, Dooradoyle, Limerick, V94F858. The application site is principally bounded by an existing internal access road to the north; by the existing Emergency Department and Renal Department to the south; by the existing hospital to the east and by St. Nessan’s Road to the west. The Hospital Chapel within the Hospital Campus is a Protected Structure (RPS. Reg. 1649). No works are proposed to the Protected Structure as part of this application. The development will consist of: demolition of the existing pedestrian access ramp and generator compound; the provision of a new double basement car park and the commencement of car parking use at the basement levels (Level -2 and Level -1); the provision of a department shell comprising medical floorspace at ground floor level (Level 0) and first floor level (Level 1) (c. 5,462 sq m); the provision of 2 No. stair cores which will provide access to all proposed floor levels (Level -2 to Level 1) and to facilitate access to future upper levels; and the provision of hospital streets connecting the department shell to the existing hospital. The proposed development has a total gross floor area of c. 11, 262 sq m (including basement) and will link to, and integrate with, the existing University Hospital Limerick. Access to the basement will be via the existing basement car park to the south, which connects to the existing main entrance of the Hospital Campus. Construction access will be via the main roundabout on St. Nessan’s Road. Construction traffic will temporarily exit the subject site from the existing emergency gate which will be widened to enable same (or from a location nearby by this gate). The boundary gate and railings to be fully reinstated when the works are complete. The development will also include: 131 No. additional basement car parking spaces (including EV spaces with charging points); minor reconfiguration works at the interfaces between the existing hospital and the proposed development; the provision of bicycle parking and minor alterations to the car parking layout within the basement levels of the adjacent Emergency Department and Renal Department; removal of the vehicular access to Out Patient Department (relocated to the main hospital entrance from St. Nessan’s Road) to facilitate means of escape from the extended hospital street and to facilitate the provision of landscaped courtyards and gardens; the realignment of the internal perimeter road to the south of the proposed development to enable the installation of an underground fuel tank; standby generators; storage and service areas; plant; hard and soft landscaping; boundary treatments; external public lighting; green roof; signage; surface water drainage; piped infrastructure and ducting; changes in level and all associated ancillary site development and excavation works above and below ground.

To find out more details on this Carpark Development in Limerick Started on 6th August 2024 take the free trial here.

University Hospital Limerick


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