10 May 2024
Construction of a MCC building at Kenmare WWPS, Co. Kerry.
10 May 2024
Construction of a MCC control building with a WC & Pump room at Kenmare WWPS, Co. Kerry.
10 May 2024
Construction of a Lime Dosing Building at Kenmare WWPS, Co. Kerry.
Upgrades to and increased capacity of the existing municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and Cromwell’s Bridge pumping station (PS) in Kenmare Co. Kerry and comprises primarily the following elements: upgrade of the existing Kenmare WWTP: the existing inlet channel, control panels, oxidation ditch, two sludge holding tanks will be decommissioned and all redundant civil infrastructure and mechanical and electrical (m&e) assets will be removed. A new inlet works, treatment system and associated pumping and storage infrastructure will be constructed. A new motor control centre (mcc) kiosk and a new dosing kiosk will also be constructed, along with all associated ancillary works – upgrade of the existing Cromwell’s Bridge PS: the existing inlet works, grit separator, wet well, control building (including dry well) and storm tank will be decommissioned and all redundant civil infrastructure and mechanical and electrical (m&e) assets will be removed. A new wet well and associated sewer, a new storm tank and retaining wall will be constructed. An odour treatment system and vent stack will be constructed. A new motor control (MCC) kiosk and a new dosing kiosk will also be constructed, along with all associated ancillary works. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and is included with the application.
To find out more details on this Water & Sewerage Development in Kerry Started on 4th September 2023 take the free trial here.