Component 1 – Ringsend WwTP, Pigeon House Road, Dublin 4 Permission is sought for development comprising revisions and alterations to the 2012 Approval on an overall site. The Proposed Development consists of:
• Reconfiguration and retrofitting of the existing Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) Tanks, up to 24no. in total, to facilitate the use of a new AGS technology.
• Associated works, including the provision of:
o A Sludge Pasteurisation Building (approximately c.31.5m x c.14.5m
x c.8.5m high).
o A Phosphorus Recovery Building (approximately c.38.5m x c.15.5m x
c.20m high).
• Ancillary site development works (pipework and electrical works), plant (new and adjustments to existing) and landscape works (including boundary treatments) to accommodate the above development, including:
o The use on a permanent basis of a vehicular entrance off Pigeon House Road, and associated landscaping and internal road, along the eastern boundary of the site, previously granted a temporary permission under ABP Ref. 29N.YM0002.
o A new underground electrical connection to an existing underground ESB cable, along the southern boundary of the site (at the south west corner only) and at the edge of, and extending to within the South Dublin Bay and River Tolka Estuary SPA.
o Bypass Culvert, Ultraviolet (UV) Lamps, internal road reconfigurations and additional car parking.
o The continued use of 2 no. temporary construction compounds (C1 and C2) for the 10 year duration of the permission sought. These compounds were previously permitted under ABP Ref. 29N.YM0004 for a period of 3 years. Proposals for the temporary Construction Compound C1 includes a pedestrian connection to the south-west corner of the Ringsend WwTP. Temporary Construction Compound C1 is partially located within the Poolbeg West Strategic Development Zone as defined by Statutory Instrument No. 279 of 2016. A protected structure (Pigeon House Fort) (RPS No. 6794) is partially located within temporary Construction Compound C2.
• The omission of the permitted 9 km Long Sea Outfall (in tunnel) for the purposes of discharging into the Dublin Bay area from an onshore inlet shaft approximately 350 metres east of the existing Ringsend WwTP (including any associated construction works) which in turn provides for the continued use of the existing outfall to the River Liffey serving the Ringsend WwTP.
• The omission of two no. temporary construction compounds located to the west of the Ringsend WwTP and also the omission of one temporary construction compound on Pigeon House Road to serve the Long Sea Outfall (in tunnel); all of which were previously permitted under ABP Ref. 29N.YA0010. The overall application site area of the development proposed at the Ringsend WwTP is approximately 17.9 Ha and includes a protected structure (RPS No. 6794). The overall existing Ringsend WwTP is 14.7 ha and is divided into two sites by Pigeon House Road; 11.2 Ha to the south of the road where the Ringsend WwTP is located, with a further 3.5Ha located to the north of the road. The 2no. temporary construction compounds which are the subject of this application amount to approximately 3.79 Ha, part of which is located within the 14.7 Ha site of the Ringsend WwTP. Part of the application site is within the Poolbeg West Strategic Development Zone as defined by Statutory Instrument No. 279 of 2016. The Ringsend agglomeration including the WwTP has an existing discharge authorisation licence in accordance with the requirements of the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as amended. A licence review will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the licence review process. Component 2 – Proposed Development of a Regional Biosolids Storage Facility at Newtown, North Road (R135), Dublin 11 Permission is also sought for development of a Regional Biosolids Storage Facility at a separate 11 Ha site comprising:
• Demolition of existing single storey structures on site comprising of a security kiosk (approx. 22 sq.m gfa), the weighbridge kiosk (approx. 19 sq.m gfa), an ESB Sub-Station (approx. 16 sq.m gfa) and an administration building (approx. 85 sq.m gfa), together with the partial removal of existing internal roads and partial removal / diversion of existing drainage infrastructure as appropriate to accommodate the development.
• Provision of 2no. biosolids storage buildings, each approximately 50m wide, 105m long and 15m in height, including solar panels on the roof of one building. These buildings have a combined capacity to store up to 48,000 cubic metres of biosolids waste at any one time. • Provision of 4no. odour control units, each with 18.2m high discharge flues.
• Mechanical and electrical control building (approx. 35 sq.m gfa, 4 m high).
• Provision of a single storey site administration building for office, welfare facilities and meeting rooms (approx. 130 sq.m gfa) and associated staff car parking.
• Use of the existing vehicular access off the R135, including provision of new 2.7m high entrance gates to serve the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility.
• All ancillary landscape and site development works, including:
o Provision of 2no. new weighbridge facilities (1no. weighbridge on entry and exit of the Regional Biosolids Storage Facility).
o Provision of new ESB Sub-Station (approx. 40 sq.m gfa). o Landscaping and boundary treatments, including new 2.7m high boundary to North Road/R135.
o Provision of fire protection holding tank (approx. 6.7m high). o Provision of a HGV cleaning and set down area.
o Formation of new footpath and landscaped verge to R135 along site frontage.
o Provision of drainage, water, external lighting, and other utilities. o Diversion of 450mm surface water pipe.
o 1 no. signage structure, 5.2m in height erected on posts accommodating 2no. signage zones: 2.4m x 1.7 and 2.4m x 1.2m, located at the site entrance. The Regional Biosolids Storage Facility will require a Certificate of Registration for the activity of storing biosolids (treated wastewater sludge). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement have been prepared and accompany this planning application. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement considers the Proposed Upgrade Project which is described as the elements of the 2012 Approval being progressed and the Proposed Development being applied for under this Section 37E application. The application for permission, Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement, may be inspected free of charge or purchased on payment of a specified fee (which shall not exceed the reasonable cost of making such copy) during public opening hours for a period of 7 weeks commencing on 12th June 2018 at the following locations:
• The Offices of An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1;
• The Offices of Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8;
• The Offices of Fingal County Council, County Offices, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15;
• The Offices of Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. The application may also be viewed at/downloaded from the following website:
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