The application site covers an area of approx. 1.89 hectares which includes the following lanes/streets/roads/areas and their adjoining footpath/public realm/junction areas: R132/Bridge of Peace/George’s Street (including the underpass on the northern side of the River Boyne); George’s Square; Father Connolly Way (including part of an existing car park area); Dominick Street; Patrickswell Lane; Old Abbey Lane (including an area to the rear of 56/57 West Street); Scholes Lane; R900/West Street/Narrow West Street; Fair Street; and Wellington Quay, in the townland of Moneymore, Drogheda, Co Louth. It is noted that the application site is partly located within the following Architectural Conservation Areas: Fair Street; Old Abbey Lane; and West Street and Surrounding Streets.

The overall objective of the ‘Westgate 2040’ project is to act as a catalyst to support positive urban regeneration and public realm improvements in the Westgate Vision Area of Drogheda Town Centre. The proposed development consists of the following:

(1) Public realm improvement works comprising: new hard landscaping including resurfacing, soft landscaping including new tree planting, a water feature channel with stepped concrete elements and integrated landscaping, a Corten steel ground insert delineating the location of the former medieval town wall, a wayfinding Corten steel ground insert, Corten steel signs, Corten steel walkways, street furniture, new pedestrian connections, a SUDS rainwater retention pond, cycle lanes, pedestrian footpaths, external steps, tactile paving, road signs, cycle parking stands and provision of new railings;

(2) Public realm improvement works will also include the creation of a new urban plaza gateway/arrival area at Georges Square and a new enhanced public amenity area adjacent the River Boyne riverfront including a new pedestrian wooden deck promenade/boardwalk;

(3) Demolition of the existing public toilet block at George’s Square (between the junctions of George’s Street/Fair Street and George’s Street/West Street), a section of boundary wall located between Old Abbey Lane and Father Connolly Way and a section of wall located between Dominick Street and Dominick Street car park;

(4) A new raised, free-standing, curved walkway located between the R132 and the existing Medieval Wall to provide a universally accessible connection from West Street to the River Boyne riverfront;

(5) A new freestanding Corten steel pavilion located adjacent the River Boyne riverfront to create a new mixed use/public space;

(6) A new freestanding Corten steel canopy located within, and offset from, the remains of the Old Abbey (being a Protected Structure – ID No. DB-187 and a recorded monument – RMP No. LH024-041011) to create a new flexible community and cultural space;

(7) Two freestanding Corten steel structures located at the junction of West Street and the R132/George’s Street to mark the location of the former medieval West Gate;

(8) Repair and restoration of the old Medieval Wall located adjacent the R132/George’s Street (being a Protected Structure – ID No. DB-188 and a recorded monument – RMP No. LH024-041014);

(9) Repair and restoration of the Old Abbey (being a Protected Structure – ID No. DB-187 and a recorded monument – RMP No. LH024-041011) including the west gable of its north aisle located within Old Abbey Lane;

(10) Reprioritisation of traffic and movement patterns for the streets/roads/lanes/footpaths within the application site to accommodate the proposed public realm improvement works and integrate with the Council’s emerging Active Travel projects to the north and south of George’s Street/R132;

(11) Road improvement works to include alteration of road alignment, resurfacing, shared surface treatments, revised access arrangements, cycle lanes, pedestrian crossing points, parking bays, loading bays, accessible parking bays, bus stops and new public lighting; and

(12) All associated site works including: drainage, undergrounding of services and all associated ancillary development works.

To find out more details on this Road & Path Development in Louth Applied for on 20th December 2023 take the free trial here.


Plans Applied

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