19 Nov 2024 An Bord Pleanala Refuse Permission

Ten year planning permission with a 40-year operational life (from the date of commissioning of the development)
(ii) Construction of 4 No. wind turbines with an overall ground to blade tip height ranging from 149.85m to 150m inclusive. The wind turbines will have a rotor diameter ranging from 115.7m to 117m inclusive and a hub height ranging from 91.5m to 92m inclusive
(iii) Construction of permanent turbine hardstands and turbine foundations
(iv) Construction of a bottomless bridge culvert across a minor stream on site (EPA River Segment Code: 26_4053)
(v) Construction of one temporary construction compound with associated temporary site offices, parking areas and security fencing
(vi) Installation of one (40-year life cycle) meteorological mast with a height of 50m and a 4m lightning pole on top
(vii) Construction of new internal site access tracks and upgrade of a section of existing internal Site track, to include all associated drainage
(viii) Improvement of existing site entrance with access via the L4282
(ix) Development of an internal site drainage network and sediment control systems
(x) Construction of 1 no. permanent 20kV electrical substation
(xi) All associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the wind turbines to the wind farm substation
(xii) All works associated with the connection of the wind farm to the national electricity grid, which will be via 20kV underground and partially overhead cable connection approximately 6.4km in length to the existing ESB Corderry 110kV Substation in the townlands of Letter, Greaghnadarragh, Stangaun, Corralustia, Turpaun, Gortnasillagh West, Lugmeeltan, Leckaun, Lisgavneen, Treannadullagh, Drumcashlagh and Corderry
(xiii) Ancillary forestry felling to facilitate construction of the development
(xiv) All associated site development works including berms, landscaping, and soil excavation
(xv) Installation of battery arrays located within container units (2 no. units) and associated electrical plant for grid stabilisation adjacent to the substation building
(xvi) Development of one on-site borrow pit.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Leitrim take the free trial here.

Letter Boleybaun Stangaun

Plans Refused

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