The Development will include the erection of 4 no. wind turbines with an overall ground to blade tip height of 150m with a rotor diameter of 136m and a hub height of 82m, the construction of crane hardstand areas and turbine foundations, the creation of a new site entrance onto the L6132, construction of 1 no. temporary construction compound with associated temporary site offices, parking areas and security fencing, installation of 1 no. permanent meteorological mast of 82m overall height, construction of new internal site access tracks and upgrade of existing site track, to include all associated drainage including new clear span bridge crossing of the Moyasta River, development of a site drainage network, biodiversity enhancement measures, construction of 1 no. permanent 38kV electrical substation, 2 no. permanent spoil storage areas, all associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the wind turbines to the wind farm substation and to the existing Tullabrack 110kV Substation, all ancillary forestry felling to facilitate construction including the development of one no. borrow pit, vertical realignment of an existing crest curve on the L6132. This application is seeking a ten year permission and a 35 year operational life from the date of commissioning of the wind farm. The planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS).

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Ballykett Tullabrack East West

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