13 Sep 2024 An Bord Pleanala Refuse Permission

The development will consist of; The application will seek permission to remove the existing grid connection works and for the development of the full length of a new grid connection over a distance of approximately 14.8km, between the existing Ballylicky ESB substation and the permitted Derreenacrinnig West Windfarm. The proposed development involves the following works: (a) removal of approximately 9.5 km of 20 kV overhead line (OHL) along the route, the OHL to be removed consists of 138 wood poles (ranging from 9m to 12.5m above ground), supporting electrical conductor lines and ancillary structures and equipment (b) following removal of the OHL, it is proposed to construct approximately 10.8 km of 20 kV overhead line (OHL) along the route, the OHL to be constructed consists of c. 157 wood poles (ranging from 9m to 12.5m above ground), supporting electrical conductor lines and ancillary structures and equipment. (c) installation of approximately 4 km of underground cable ducting and associated electrical cabling, and all other ancillary works including joint bays, culverts, marker posts and all associated developments. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared and will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.

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Derreenacrinnig West; Barnagowlane West; Glanareag

Plans Refused

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