For Amendments to previously granted Planning application reference 18845. The Proposed amendments include (1) converting previously granted three no. ground floor retail units into 1 no. ground floor retail unit, maintaining the lower level commercial unit accessed from the east fascade and all ancillary site works. ii) the removal of the ground floor window on the west facing fascade. iii) Change two entrance doors on South facing fascade into French doors. iv)removal of bin store and bin store access door on eastern fascade. v) change of location of ramp and steps to allow for accessible floor level. vi) removal of the clear storey windows on the north, south and east facades for engineering and construction method. vii) changing from glazed guarding railing to a durable powder coated galvanised steel guarding railing. viii) change from galvanised steel guarding to concrete parapet guarding to allow for privacy in various locations. ix) changing of head height to all first floor windows and doors previously granted under PA ref 18845 to 2100mmfor domestic scale in proportion with the size of the rooms

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Waterford Granted permission on 22nd April 2024 take the free trial here.

Strand Road

Plans Granted

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