The development comprises a seasonal events area, to remain in situ for a temporary period of 4 years and to be managed by the Swords Pavilions Shopping Centre, which includes,
Permission sought for:
• 1no. stand-alone single storey marquee structure (c.6.7m high and c.1,090 sqm gross floor area) and associated plant and site works, for use as an Ice Rink over the Christmas period (November to January), and as a Roller Rink or other similar uses categorised under Class 11 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) during the Easter (March-April), Summer (May-August) and Halloween (September-October) periods.
• 1no. associated advertising sign c.2.15 sq m on the existing metal arch entrance adjoining Swords Pavilions Car Park ‘A’ to the west.
Retention Permission sought for:
• 1no. single storey event building (c.78 sq m gross floor area), to also accommodate a range of seasonal events, including for use as Santa’s Grotto over the Christmas period (November to January), and for other themed events each season, including the Easter Bunny and egg hunt (March to April), Summer events categorised under Class 11 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001, as amended (May-August) and Halloween haunted house (September-October).
• A c.4.8m high metal arch facilitating pedestrian and service entrance from the adjoining Swords Pavilions Car Park ‘A’ to the west for a temporary period of 4 years.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Applied for on 20th August 2024 take the free trial here.

Swords Pavilions Shopping Centre

Plans Applied

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