The alteration of the existing building will include the following works
i. Amended position of the existing vehicular & pedestrian entrance at Donogh O’Malley Park
ii. Widening of existing road access at Donogh O’Malley Park including alteration of footpath and public lighting
iii. External signage
iv. Alteration of existing facades & roof areas
v. Erection of external fixed canopy areas
vi. New car-parking area with 35 no. car spaces, including 8 no. disabled access spaces.
vii. New ancillary site structures to include a bicycle parking shelter, refuse store & services building
viii. Site landscaping, boundary treatments and ancillary site works including amendments to widen & extend pedestrian footpaths adjacent to the site.
To find out more details on this School Development in Limerick Granted permission on 19th December 2024 take the free trial here.