The development will consist of the following:
(1) Partial demolition, extension, and refurbishment of an existing three-storey hotel and recently acquired adjacent building formerly known as O’Brien’s Public House, now forming part of The Bailie hotel, also on Main Street, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan, comprising of:
(i) The Retention of a change of use from residential to hotel bedrooms comprising of 3 No. bedrooms to the existing 2nd floor, 3 no. bedrooms to the existing 1st floor and 1 No. bedroom to the existing ground floor and the provision of a passenger lift off the adjacent building formerly known as O’Brien’s Public House.
(ii) Demolition of a derelict two-storey detached out-house building to the rear of the adjacent building site formerly known as O’Brien’s Public House and to re-build in its place a two-storey detached building comprising of 6 No. bedrooms to also include a side annex housing 2 no. ensuites.
(iii) Permission for the construction of an extension to the rear of the building formerly known as O?Brien?s Public House to include a three-storey building including a stairwell and corridor to include 12 No. bedrooms on 1st and 2nd floor over an under-croft car-park which also includes a plant room to the ground floor.
(iv) Permission for the refurbishment to the 1st floor building to the rear of The Bailie Hotel to provide of 4 No. bedrooms with associated elevation alterations with access off the corridor of the proposed three-storey extension.
(v) Change of use from Public House to the ground floor of the front of the building formerly known as O’Brien’s Public House to café/restaurant usage.
(vi) Elevation upgrade to the front of the building formerly known as O’Brien’s Public House
(vii) Provision of PV panels to existing and proposed roofs.
(viii) All associated site development works, including above and below ground services.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Cavan Applied for on 29th November 2024 take the free trial here.