The development will consist of:
-The demolition of all existing structures on site (known as HSE Health Centre, Mother McAuley Centre and Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland);
-The construction of a new 1-3 storey building (for the following uses Primary Care Centre(HSE), Creche and Day Care Centre (Mother McAuley Centre) and Day Care Centre(Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland) with a total gross internal area of c. 4,041 sq.m and associated landscaped courtyards and roof terraces;
-Provision of signage to the Primary Care Centre, Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland and Mother McAuley Centre, and site wayfinding signage;
-Provision of a new public space at the south-east and south-west corner of the site with direct access to the Primary Care Centre and Creche entrances and associated landscaping and hardscaping;
-Provision of a relocated vehicular access onto Curlew Road with gate at the western site boundary, and the addition of a gates to the existing vehicular entrance to the eastern boundary;
-Provision of a new consolidated car park providing 55nr. car parking spaces, 3nr. van spaces for the Mother McAuley Centre and Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland and 2 No. set down areas;
-Provision of 3nr. motorcycle parking spaces and 18nr. sheltered bicycle parking and 18nr uncovered bicycle parking spaces to serve the proposed development;
-Partial demolition of sections of the existing north boundary wall;
-All associated and incidental site development and infrastructural works including site clearance, incidental works/removal of existing boundary wall/railings, new boundary treatments and gates, pedestrian footpaths, plant and pv panels at roof level, green roof areas, removal of trees, bin stores, substation / switchroom and all associated landscaping and hardscaping.
To find out more details on this Medical Centre Development in Dublin Applied for on 9th December 2024 take the free trial here.