The development will consist of:

-The demolition of all existing structures on site (known as HSE Health Centre, Mother McAuley Centre and Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland);

-The construction of a new 1-3 storey building (for the following uses Primary Care Centre(HSE), Creche and Day Care Centre (Mother McAuley Centre) and Day Care Centre(Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland) with a total gross internal area of c. 4,041 sq.m and associated landscaped courtyards and roof terraces;

-Provision of signage to the Primary Care Centre, Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland and Mother McAuley Centre, and site wayfinding signage;

-Provision of a new public space at the south-east and south-west corner of the site with direct access to the Primary Care Centre and Creche entrances and associated landscaping and hardscaping;

-Provision of a relocated vehicular access onto Curlew Road with gate at the western site boundary, and the addition of a gates to the existing vehicular entrance to the eastern boundary;

-Provision of a new consolidated car park providing 55nr. car parking spaces, 3nr. van spaces for the Mother McAuley Centre and Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland and 2 No. set down areas;

-Provision of 3nr. motorcycle parking spaces and 18nr. sheltered bicycle parking and 18nr uncovered bicycle parking spaces to serve the proposed development;

-Partial demolition of sections of the existing north boundary wall;

-All associated and incidental site development and infrastructural works including site clearance, incidental works/removal of existing boundary wall/railings, new boundary treatments and gates, pedestrian footpaths, plant and pv panels at roof level, green roof areas, removal of trees, bin stores, substation / switchroom and all associated landscaping and hardscaping.

To find out more details on this Medical Centre Development in Dublin Applied for on 9th December 2024 take the free trial here.

Curlew Road Health Centre

Plans Applied

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