03 May 2024
Substation comprising a single-storey building and external plinths

14 Aug 2023
220kV substation comprising a single-storey building and external plinths.

Development of an energy storage system (ESS) facility designed to provide system support services to the electricity grid. the development will comprise:
(i) An open area battery energy storage system (BESS) compound (area of 19,295sqm) containing 169 no. battery and medium voltage power station (MVPS) enclosures (13.720m long x 2.55m wide x 3.902m high),
(ii) IPP building (40m long x 10m wide x 6.853m high),
(iii) Synchronous condenser compound (area of 4,060sqm) containing synchronous condenser building (30.0m long x 18.0m wide x 12.15m high), 5no. control modules each (12.192m long 2.438m wide x 3.332m high), associated bunded transformers and electrical plant,
(iv) Electrical substation (area of 2,805sqm) containing eirgrid building (14.509m long x 12.509m wide x 6.926m high), and electrical plant and bunded main transformer which will electrically connect the proposed ESS facility, via underground cable (UGC), to the grid and transformer bay within the existing Shannonbridge 220kv substation located on lands approximately 230m west of the proposed ESS facility, and
(v) All ancillary development, including; lighting mast protection, perimeter fencing with access gate at primary vehicle site entrance which will connect to a local public road providing access to the r357, landscaping, lighting, car parking, internal access roads and all civil engineering works for the disposal of foul and surface water.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Offaly Started on 3rd October 2022 take the free trial here.



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