Permission for the construction of: 1) A 5,250m2 four storey Primary Care Centre to accommodate (a) HSE Facilities comprising consulting rooms, treatment areas, meeting rooms, offices and support spaces, as well as (b) 2 no. general practitioner suites. 2) A 23m2 single storey detached ancillary structure at the rear of Primary Care Centre comprising of ESB substation and electrical switch room. 3) A 46m2 single storey secure waste compound to the rear of the detached ancillary structure. 4) 123 no. parking spaces including 87 no. standard car parking bays, 8 no. disabled parking bays, 12 no. parent and child bays, 12 no. electric vehicle charging bays and 4 no. motorcycle bays. 5) 60 no. bicycle parking spaces including 20 no. short stay uncovered spaces and 20 no. long stay covered spaces. 6) A new vehicular access point to the site from Market Green Plaza. 7) All associated site development works to serve the proposal including site lighting, hard and soft landscaping, and all associated signage. A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.

To find out more details on this Medical Centre Development in Cork Applied for on 18th November 2024 take the free trial here.

Market Green

Plans Applied

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