PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Keywell DAC intends to apply for Permission at this site (c.0.17 ha) at No. 1 Essex Street East, Dollard House, Nos. 2-5 Essex Street East and Nos. 2-5 Wellington Quay (Protected Structure), The Clarence Hotel, Nos. 6-8 Wellington Quay and Nos. 6-8 Essex Street East (Protected Structure) and Anne’s Bar, No. 8 Essex Street East, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. For development comprising proposed hotel refurbishment, conservation and alteration (c.8,544 sq m gfa total), and vertical roof and infill building extension (c.841 sq m gfa total), to accommodate the addition of 104no. new hotel keys (resulting in 162no. total existing and proposed) and ancillary hotel amenities including retail-bakery, licenced restaurants, bars and event spaces, as follows:- Clarence Hotel: Removal of existing Clarence dormer roof (L04) and plant room (L06) and addition of 1-storey dormer extension (c.256 sqm, L05) above No.6-8 Essex Street East (southern) elevation and Clarence Hotel east elevation, and alteration (subdivision) and refurbishment of Levels 01 to 06 inclusive, to accommodate 37no. additional hotel keys. Ancillary hotel lounge bar/reception area (c.177 sq m), refurbished Octagon Bar (c.78 sq m) and Stout Bar (c.45 sq m) and contemporary music bar (c.133 sq m) at ground floor (L00), and hotel gym (c.88 sqm) and live music venue (c. 269 sq m) at basement level.
– Dollard House: Change of use of existing upper floors, from L01 to L04 inclusive, to accommodate 46no. hotel keys; change of ground floor (L00) to use as ancillary restaurant (c.232 sq m), retail bakery-coffee shop (c.96 sqm) and associated kitchen and back-of-house facilities; and new event and banqueting space (c.320 sq m total) at L01. Removal of existing eastern wing dormer roof (L04) at Dollard House and replacement with 1-storey dormer extension (c.95 sq m) to accommodate 2no. new hotel keys (L05) at eastern interface with Clarence Hotel.
– No.1 Essex Street East: Change of use of existing upper floors, from L01 to L03 inclusive, to accommodate 3no. hotel keys, and removal of existing roof structure (L04) and addition of 2-storey dormer extension (c.69 sq m) to accommodate 1no. hotel key (duplex, L04-L05), above No.1 Essex Street East.
– Anne’s Bar, No.8 Essex Street East: Demolition of existing Anne’s Bar (c.214 sq m gfa) and construction of a new 6-storey hotel extension (c.635 sq m), to accommodate 15no. hotel keys (L01-L05), replacement licenced bar (c.44 sq m) at ground floor (L00) and back of house facilities at mezzanine level, at No.8 Essex Street East. And all associated and ancillary alteration, refurbishment, repair, conservation, restoration and fit out works, including: Internal reconfiguration works at the Clarence Hotel and Dollard House, including: the reconfiguration of floor plans, partial demolition of load-bearing and non-load bearing walls and partitions, partial stripping back of non-original finishes and features across all floors to both buildings; integration of new services, structural strengthening works and creation of new circulation and service connections through existing walls and floors between all buildings including Dollard House, Clarence Hotel, No.1 Essex Street East and No.8 Essex Street East. Fire resistant lining and enclosure of existing roof timbers and structure of existing Dollard roof. Alterations to the existing Wellington Quay (north) fa?ade to include: replacement of existing fire escape door to reinstate a new window to match existing historic windows at the Clarence at 6-8 Wellington Quay, integration of new wall vents, and replacement of existing service entrance with an additional hotel entrance at Dollard House at 2-5 Wellington Quay. 2no. new dormer roof windows to the north elevation and new windows to east and south elevations at L06 of the Clarence Hotel. Relocation of external plant space to roof (c.90 sq m, L07) and associated external access stairs at the Clarence Hotel. Location of external plant to roof (c.28 sq m, L02) and associated screen to Dollard courtyard. Extension and recladding of 2no. existing ventilation ducts at Clarence east elevation. Replacement and extension of external fire stairs at Clarence roof level (L05-L06). Modification of existing entrance door to form escape route at ground floor of No.1 Essex Street East. Repairs to existing roof fabric including; valleys, gutters, linings, structural timbers, existing dormers, rainwater goods and chimneys and provision of thermal upgrades at both Clarence and Dollard House. Replacement of Dollard House existing upper floor windows on Wellington Quay facade and existing aluminium windows on courtyard and upper floors of East Essex Street fa?ade, with double-glazed windows to match existing. Restoration of existing ground floor windows to the north elevation of The Clarence Hotel, at 6-8 Wellington Quay, to reinstate lead came detailing. Modification of existing finishes to the southern elevation of The Clarence Hotel at L03. Addition of new wall vents to the southern elevation of The Clarence Hotel to match existing. Reconsolidation works post integration of structural and service interventions.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Applied for on 6th December 2024 take the free trial here.