The proposed development includes the removal of interim accommodation permitted under Ref. No. LB190739 and Ref. 21/2336, and the construction of a new, 1,000 no pupil post-primary school (Roll No. 68348A), which will comprise of 43 no. classrooms, with associated laboratories and specialist classrooms, Multi-Purpose Hall, a Physical Education Suite including a Physical Education Hall, and all ancillary teacher and pupil facilities with a gross floor area of c. 11,302 sqm over 3 no. storeys. The proposal includes the removal of all interim accommodation on site, arranged across 12 no. blocks, with a cumulative GFA of c.4,203sq m (previously permitted under Reg. Ref. LB190739 and Reg. Ref. 21/2336) including the removal of 1 no. interim accommodation block, constructed under exempted development (c.249 sq m). The proposal also includes the demolition of a single-storey c. 190 sqm derelict building, associated with the former agricultural use of the site.
Vehicular access to the subject site is proposed via a new priority-controlled T-junction located on the new link road to the southwest of the site, with associated tie-in works to the existing road network; 2 no. pedestrian and cyclist access points and 2 no. pedestrian only access points to the southwest boundary of the site; staff and visitor parking spaces and designated drop-off and set down facilities. The development will also include the provision of 1 no. external storage building (c.50 sqm); 1 no. bin store; bicycle and scooter parking; vehicle and bus drop off/set down areas; internal access roads; hard and soft play areas including 6 no. hard play court areas; piped infrastructure and ducting; plant and plant room; LPG Tanks Compound; electrical switch room; landscaping and boundary treatments; PV panels; EV parking facilities; external courtyards; disabled car parking spaces; site clearance works, comprising of the partial removal of hedgerows and a number of trees; stepped access routes; street and security lighting; signage; 2 no. attenuation tanks; surface water drainage and SUDs measures (including green roof provision); 5 no. flagpoles; piped infrastructural services and connections, hard and soft landscaping, ESB Substation, changes in level and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground.
To find out more details on this School Development in Meath Applied for on 23rd February 2024 take the free trial here.