The proposed development includes the construction of: 6 no. Stage buildings (buildings 1,2,3,11,13 &14) ranging in height between c. 20m and c. 23 m and comprising 11 no. Internal sound stages with overhead catwalks and 2-storey ancillary production offices including office space, plant and switch rooms, toilets, ICT rooms, staff toilets and showers and rooftop plant (totalling c. 35,187 sq. m); 4 no. workshops (buildings 15,16,17 &18) ranging in height between c. 9m and c. 10.5 m and comprising internal workshop areas, staff toilets and showers, ICT, plant and switch rooms (totalling c. 18,244 sq. m); TV studio and reception (building 4) comprising 3 no. TV studios (c. 17.8m height) and various supporting spaces across 3 floors including backstage shooting area, green rooms, hair and makeup rooms, production suites with ancillary offices, wardrobe, laundry room, Technical support offices, vision dept, lighting dept, pro service, run and crew kit room, chief engineer office, studio manager office, scenic store, props store, cameras and grip room, lighting and electrical room, plant room, sound control rooms, vision rooms, recording rooms and toilets at ground floor level; standard dressing rooms, tv post production spaces, kitchen and crew area, toilets, mechanical/electrical room, technical offices, media store at first floor level; star dressing rooms, tv post production, lounge and kitchen and toilets at second floor level; Single storey reception building to include guest holding areas, VIP and Guest service, security offices, staff toilets, showers and locker rooms (c. 10,875sq. m); 2-storey Dining Hall with ancillary 100 seat theatre (building 6) comprising indoor and outdoor dining areas, kitchen, storage and mechanical rooms, toilets and 3 no. meeting rooms at ground floor level; office space and covered outdoor balconies at First floor level (c. 4,351sq. m) Standalone cafe (building 5) (c. 96 sq. m) 3 no. single storey production suites (buildings 7,8 & 9) comprising offices, conference room, kitchenette, communal areas and toilets (totalling c. 795 sq. m); 3-storey car parking deck (building 19) (c. 14,782.sq.m) to include 438 no car parking spaces ( including 100 no. EV and 27 no. disabled) with ancillary offices (building 20) (c. 4,307sq.m) refuse recycling area and rooftop plant; and Outdoor stage area associated with the TV Studio and Reception Building; Site landscaping to include: an amenity walkway and biodiversity area along the northern boundary of the site; public realm and planting areas in the vicinity of TV Studio and Reception Building and production suite offices; green roofs; and boundary treatments. Hard standing to include backlot area (c. 14,160 sq.m) and ‘shooting lanes’ (c.18,900 sq.m) to facilitate outdoor filming; Electrical Substation (c 236 sq. m); primary and secondary gate houses (buildings 10 & 12) (c. 19 sq. m each) The proposed development will include the provision of 516 no. surface car parking spaces (including 96no. EV, 13 no. disabled and 13 no. EV / disabled ); Basecamp area to provide 36 no. Large Vehicle parking spaces & 3 no. bus parking spaces to front of reception building as well as provision of Bicycle parking to include 274 no. covered spaces and 96 no. external spaces. Additional works to include removal of existing wall and vegetation at south western boundary; provision of bin store adjacent to the proposed backlot area and additional waste storage area adjacent to proposed dining hall; proposed pump station; rooftop PV panels (Buildings 17 & 18);rooftop plant; Building signage; LED video screen on eastern elevation of TV studio and reception building; public lighting; drainage and services provision; boundary treatments (including security fencing); piped site wide services; pedestrian and cycle links and all ancillary works and services necessary to facilitate construction and operation. The primary proposed vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian entrance from the newly constructed Grange Castle West Access Road will be located at the eastern boundary of the site with a secondary vehicular access at the southeastern corner of the site.

To find out more details on this Sport & Leisure Development in Dublin Granted permission on 19th December 2024 take the free trial here.

Coolscudden, Brownstown & Milltown

Plans Granted

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