Permission is sought for the retention of the following: 1) change of use of existing creamery building to sheet metal workshop (50m2), 2) existing sheet metal workshop building (750m2), 3) existing two storey office building (134m2), 4) existing parts store (39m2) and 5) ancillary external hardstanding areas (1,916m2) for open storage. Permission is also sought for the demolition of the following; 1) part of existing sheet metal workshop building (52m2), 2) existing parts store (39m2) and 3) existing western boundary fence. Permission is further sought for the following; 1) rediverting the existing Derrycool stream course to the eastern boundary , 2) excavation and reducing of existing ground levels, 3) construction of the new concrete retaining walls to the western boundary, part northern boundary and part southern boundary, 4) construction of a new metal fabrication workshop building (1,440m2) with associated offices and staff facilities (231m2), 5) construction of an extension to existing sheet metal workshop building (225m2) and alterations to elevations of existing sheet metal workshop building, 6) decommissioning of the existing septic tank and installation of a new wastewater treatment unit and associated polishing filter, 7) widening of the existing site entrance on the public road R586, 8) car and bicycle parking provision, 9) ancillary external hard standing area (1,025m2) for open storage, 10) new boundary fencing to western and northern boundaries, 11) new signage in addition to, 12) all associated site works.

To find out more details on this Light Industrial Development in Cork Granted permission on 12th December 2024 take the free trial here.

Stroker Fabrications Ltd.

Plans Granted

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