19 Sept 2024: Plans are now on hold following an appeal lodged with An Bord Pleanála against the recent decision of Cork City Council to grant planning permission to Christian Brothers College in Cork for a new post-primary school building.

Permission for development which will consist of (I) The demolition of the existing astro-turf pitch, wall, and ancillary hardstanding and landscaping; (II) The construction of a part 2-storey and part 3-storey post-primary school building comprising internal classrooms (9 no.), specialist teaching rooms, offices, double-height multi-purpose room, and ancillary accommodation on, and accessed at, the lower ground floor and ground floor levels; (III) External all-weather playing pitch with perimeter ballcourt fencing (6m in height), gates, 8 no. new floodlights (6m in height), break-out space, and internal plant and lift shaft at upper ground floor level; (IV) Sheltered cycle space; (V) Signage; (VI) External heat pumps enclosure; (VII) New car parking spaces; (VIII) 2 no. new external streetlights; (IX) All site development, drainage and landscaping works.

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Christian Brothers College

Plans Refused

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