Planning permission is sought by Hannon Transport Ltd. for development on lands at Coldwinters, Blakes Cross, Lusk, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of a proposed two-storey extension to the existing agri-business unit to provide for 5 no. additional loading bays at ground floor level and additional ancillary offices at first floor level with associated staff facilities; internal modifications to the existing unit to facilitate this extension; a two-storey extension to the existing maintenance workshop to provide for a driver training office with associated driver facilities; a single storey open truck valeting shelter adjoining the existing truck wash facility; proposed reconfiguration of the yard area to provide additional car parking, motorcycle parking and bicycle parking; landscaping; boundary treatments and all associated sites works necessary to facilitate the development.

To find out more details on this Light Industrial Development in Dublin Granted permission on 10th September 2024 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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