Expansion of the existing National Basketball Arena by means of the demolition of the existing structure for the construction of a new multi-functional facility comprising of, main hail sized to allow for 4 full size basketball courts; Deployable seating for a FIBA International Rated basketball court with a capacity for 3272 spectators; all with changing and sanitary facilities to match; Entrance Foyer with access to ancillary cafe/shops; sports’ governing-body offices; Corporate facilities with 1st floor roof terrace and with related kitchen; Gym; staff areas, and associated storage & maintenance facilities; This is to be housed in a part single! part two storey/part three storey structure with a gross internal area of c.7913.3 sq.m, with a projecting canopy along North and East elevations;

The Main Hall has a gross floor area of c.2,934 sq.m designed to flexibly accommodate a range of activities/sports; The overall primary dimensions of the proposed structure are c.89m by c.59m (with various projections/ recesses) and a primary height of c.12.70m. (with variations down to c 5.50m); Permission is also sought for carpark area with 260 staff and visitor car parking spaces; Coach parking; bicycle parking; ancillary services area; drainage works; landscaping works including paving, planting, earth mounding, and SuDs; Canopy mounted signage and associated site development works on a site area of 1.713 Ha.

To find out more details on this Sport & Leisure Development in Dublin Granted permission on 9th September 2024 take the free trial here.

National Basketball Arena

Plans Granted

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