Post-primary school, ancillary sports pitches, and car parking together with all associated site works including landscaping, accesses (Strangford Road and Quoile Road), and off-site road improvements at proposed Down High School site: Section 54 application to amend planning condition No 6 of approval R/2009/0476/O to read: No site works of any nature or development shall take place until a program of archaeological work (POW) has been prepared by a qualified archaeologist, submitted by the applicant and approved in writing by the Council in consultation with Historic Environment Division, Department of Communities. all site works and development shall take place in accordance with the agreed POW. Reason: To ensure that archaeological remains within the application site are properly identified and protected or appropriately recorded. (amended description 20/10/2021).

To find out more details on this School Development in Newry Mourne & Down Granted permission on 29th November 2021 take the free trial here.

Lands Located Between And Accessed From Strangford Road

Plans Granted

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