The development will consist of an educational campus composed of two schools:
(A)- The Construction of a three storey 1000 pupil post primary school for St Joseph’s Secondary School comprising of teaching spaces, ancillary spaces, physical education hall facility, special education needs unit, general purpose hall, social areas, library, administration areas, toilet and changing facilities, external stores, and associated ancillary accommodation with a total internal area of circa 10924.300m².
(B)- The Construction of a two-storey building for Gaelscoil Ros Eo comprising of teaching spaces, ancillary spaces, special education needs unit, general purpose hall, social areas, library, administration areas, toilet and changing facilities, external stores, and associated ancillary accommodation with a total internal area of circa 3069.00m², Additionally, the development will include all associated site works such as car parking, bicycle parking, shared sports facilities, playing areas, open spaces/landscaping, plant, bin stores, site services, and connections to facilitate the development. There will also be vehicular and pedestrian access to the development via Park Road.

To find out more details on this School Development in Dublin Applied for on 15th August 2024 take the free trial here.

Park Road

Plans Applied

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